Rozřazovací test na kurzy angličtiny - pro pokročilé I
Test orientačně ukáže Vaše jazykové znalosti.
Možná, že to budeš moci koupit někde jinde levněji.
You might (may) be able to buy it more cheaply alsewhere (somewhere else).
You can buy it more cheaply alsewhere (somewhere else).
You are able to buy it more cheaply alsewhere (somewhere else).
You might (may) have been able to buy it more cheaply alsewhere (somewhere else).

Už jsem ten film viděl.
I saw that film.
I´ve already seen that film. ( I´ve seen that film already.)
I´d already seen that film. (I´d seen that film already.)
I´ve been already seeing that film. (I´ve been seeing that film already.)

Kdy jsi měl narozeniny?
When has been your birthday?
When are your birthday?
When is your birthday?
When was your birthday?