Rozřazovací test na kurzy angličtiny - pro pokročilé II
Test orientačně ukáže Vaše jazykové znalosti.
Kéž by se tak zlepšilo počasí!
I would like the weather to improve.
Let the weather would improve.
I wish the weather would improve.
I wish the weather improve.

Kéž bych to byl nekoupil!
I wish I hadn´t buy it.
I wish I hadn´t bought it.
I wanted I hadn´t bought it.
It wish I hadn´t bought it.

Byla bych to udělala, kdybych mohla.
I would do it if I´d been able to (if I could).
I would have done it if I´d been able to (if I could).
I would have done it if I´ve been able to (if I could).
I would had done it if I´d been able to (if I could).

Otevřel dveře a volal o pomoc.
1) He openeds the door and calleds for help.
2) He opened the door and called for help.
3) He did opened the door and called for help.
4) He did open the door and called for help.

Dívky měly volné odpoledne, protože pracují v sobotu ráno.
1) The girls had the afternoon off because they work on Saturday morning.
2) The girls had got the afternoon off because they work on Saturday morning.
3) The girls did have the afternoon off because they work on Saturday morning.
4) The girls do had the afternoon off because they work on Saturday morning.

Kde se to stalo?
1) Where it happened?
2) Where did it happen?
3) Where happened it?
4) Where did it happened?

Odjedla ve tři nebo ve čtyři?
1) Did she leave at three or at four?
2) Did she left at three or at four?
3) Did she leaves at three or at four?
4) Left she at three or at four?

Obvykle jezdím autobusem, ale včera jsem autobusem nejel.
1) Y usually go by bus but I don´t went by bus yesterday.
2) I am usually going by bus but I didn´t go by bus yesterday.
3) I am usually go by bus but I went not by bus yesterday.
4) I usually go by bus but I didn´t go by bus yesterday.

Zeptej se ho kdo je jeho přítel.
1) Ask him who is his friend.
2) Ask to him who is his friend.
3) Ask him who his friend is.
4) Ask him whom his friend is.

Kolik svetrů máš?
1) How may sweaters have you got?
2) How much sweaters do you have?
3) How lot of sweaters do you have?
4) How a lot of sweaters have you?

Slyšel jsem ho přijít.
1) I heard him come.
2) I heard him to come.
3) I heard his to go.
4) I did hear him to go.

Literatura, jejíž historii studuji.
1) The literature which history I´m studying.
2) The literature which I do study.
3) The literature that I´m studying.
4) The literature the history of which I am studying.